Frequently Asked Questions


Yes, Lincoln Colleges got the approval of the Bar Council of India
We have a well-equipped library with an updated stock of books, reading room, spacious class rooms, audio visual facilities, computers, high-tech gymnasium and an excellent faculty.
Lincoln Colleges various law seminars, moot courts, workshops, debates, elocution and guest lectures by eminent personalities in the law field.
Yes, a person obtaining a law degree from Lincoln Colleges can practice all over India.
Various career options are available, such as practicing in courts, joining judiciary, practice in corporate sectors like banks, companies, NGO’s, law firms, solicitor firms, in defence, as a Judge Advocate General, academics and more.
The admission forms for the 5 year Law Course will be available on this website & the college office shortly. However, the admission process will begin only after the declaration of the 12th Std. HSC Board Results. (Tentatively towards the end of May).
The admission forms for the 3-year Law Course will be available on this website & the college office shortly. However, the admission process will begin only after the declaration of graduation results
25 students is the average class size. The student to faculty ratio is 19:1. Only 6% of classes have 100+ students
A personal computer is not required, though most students choose to bring one. There are many computer clusters on campus. Many computers are available for student use free of charge.
Lincoln Colleges provides excellent food and dining services inside campus.
Professors make themselves very available to students, giving out their office hours, email addresses, phone numbers, and sometimes even home or cell phone numbers on the first day of class. They encourage students to drop in during their 2 hours a week of office hours, even just to chat. If you can’t make it during their office hours, they’ll meet with you by appointment.
About 90% of first year students return for the second year.
This year’s acceptance rate was 74%.